Well, I hope everyone had a merry christmas.
Despite the lack of money, I was actually able to buy everyone present that I needed to, received a few myself, and even had the cash to see National Treasure the next day with Bethany and Phil, a guy from work. It was good.
It's been one of those years that was really weird and hard, but will mean a lot in about a month, when everything is different.
In the past year I figured out what I want to do, applied to a school that will help me do it, got accepted, got financed, got a poem published by accident, got my GED (oye, homeschooled), and got NINE DAYS OFF of work for Christmas... The last of which I am still enjoying - and will be until Monday. And then everything speeds up again. Orientation is on the 3rd, and school officially begins on the 7th. I have to find a vehicle and buy it, because school is in Scottsdale and I am not - neither is work, come to think of it.
But all of that is in the future, and I am takin' it one step at a time. I'm pretty sure that was the lesson 2007 had for me...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Well, I did it again, every time I try to post more often - crazy stuff happens to me. Like a random family roadtrip the week before my birthday that ended in a very full lap and drool stained jacket all the way home... Her name is Olivia.
We were all sort of "This... is Arizona? ....Really...?" And we got some incredible pictures. And some coffee in a little coffeeshop in Williams. And McDonalds for breakfast in the car for the first time in a really really really really really long time. And we finally got away from that point that comes every once in a while when everyone is just tired, and you can feel yourselves coming apart because the glue is just getting old.
And we've been a family again since.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
So it's been about a billion months since I posted last. And I feel pretty bad about that. I wish I could blame my absence on The 'Bucks, but I wasn't getting many hours until recently- so...
I guess I've just been sort of stressing about things and didn't feel like writing about them. Wrestling with some choices that pretty much everyone has to make. Especially about school. And that one is still in the red.
I don't want to go for everyone that asks me. And I don't want to go just to go. I want it to be useful. If I could just work for someone that will teach me what I need to know, and get that experience under my belt... That would be a lot better than wasting time and money with school that I don't need or won't end up using. Right?
See, I want to own a bakery. So I'm looking at schools like Scottsdale Culinary for baking and pastry. But they are pretty steep and I still don't have a car. So I'd probably end up with a car payment and loan payments (because I don't want to wait until I'm done with school to start paying) plus rent and the list goes on... *laugh* I really don't make that much money.
So there are still a few people I know in the business that I need to talk to before I officially bite that bullet- it's just kind of hard to get a hold of them.
All that aside though, I'm doing okay. And I hope you are too. Bethany is in town for the next couple of weeks, so we'll be hanging out. Hopefully taking some new pictures which I'll finally get to add to my boring little flickr.
Pray for me.
Psalm 27:14
edit: Oye... Great day. But I forgot to take a camera!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Don't you hate it when everything wears out at once? I keep saying I'm going to get a new computer (I need one because this one isn't fast enough to edit my videos without freezing), but every time I think I've got the money for it I find that all of my shirts have holes, also my jeans (in the wrong places), then workclothes, shoes to go with them all...
There's gotta be a balance.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Work's been kicking my butt the last couple weeks, we're sort of in the middle of a manager change, new guy starts Monday. He seems pretty cool, but I guess most of the 'Bucks managers do.
I don't blog very much these days. I'm not really sure when that happened. Sort of thought I'd be more open as I got older and instead I've sort of gone the other way and become more private.
Today was a hard day, to be honest. It's been a difficult week, actually. You know those times when every day feels like it should be the end of the week? So you start to relax too soon and end up not getting enough rest? ...I guess that doesn't make very much sense. I just feel like there's too much to do anymore and not enough energy or time -at the right time- to do it all. And all the interesting stuff, like the scary house down the street (the one with all the boarded windows and the rusty for sale sign) that I keep saying I'm going to take photos of, gets lost in the shuffle of feet and scrubbing of tubs.
But it's winter, so there's that. I love it rainy.